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My OOO Summer

A Massive Frutiger Aero Mural Painting in Berlin

For their newest cooperation with Adidas, Clusterduck Collective worked together with XI Design to create a massive mural painting inspired by biophilic design and synesthetic perception.

Picking up on modern aesthetics shaping the digital and urban context such as Anti Style, Ignorant Drawing and Frutiger Aero, Clusterduck shows the experience of a person who, while listening to music on her/his/their computer, visualizes nostalgic, happy or trippy memories evoked by those sounds, blurring the boundaries between the physical (IRL, short for “In Real Life”) and the digital world (URL, “Uniform Resource Locator”, colloquially known as a web address) in the process.

As our online and offline activities are capable of changing our brains, for the better or worse, Clusterduck likes to remind us that maintaining a balance between the two worlds is crucial for our mental well-being!

Making Of Video:

Courtesy of: Xi Design

“May y’all get lost in the material body connection again, May y’all find your digital friends on a physical beach, may y’all find IRL what Frutiger Aero has promised us URL.”